Why Are You Not Creating Content Yet?
We talked on our podcast, Content Matterz, about the topic of why business professionals don’t create content. You can listen here:
There are many reasons why you are not creating content. All of them are common. But all of them are getting in the way of you actually creating content.
Here are four:
1) You don’t know what to talk about
That’s a good reason. Not knowing what to say or write is reason enough to not say or write anything. Except, you know what to say. You just need to work at it. This is the part of the content creation process I enjoy the most. Digging for the story. If you want to chat about it, connect with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter/Instagram @eric_kaz.
2) You don’t think anyone will care what you have to say
You’re probably right. Most people will not care what you have to say. Good thing there’s a lot of people in the world!
And even if only one person cares like your kid, your sibling, your spouse, your aunt, your parent, your friend, your co-worker, your client, your potential client, or a person you’ve never met before that lives in Seattle, Washington, you can make a difference in your life or your business with one connection.
If you have an authentic story, someone is going to care. Not to mention all the positive side-effects that come from creating content (worthy of another post—stay tuned).
3) You are worried about what other people will say about your content
Again, you’re right. Some people will not like what you have to say. But guess what, that can save you time in the long run. Imagine a prospective employee finding out they don’t like you because they read your blog or watched your video or listened to your podcast? They were not going to like you anyway. Now when I say “like” I mean your thoughts or what you stand for. Anyway, that prospective employee was going to find that out at some point that they are not a fan, but now you just saved all sorts of time, energy, and money as there was inevitable turnover if they had joined your team.
To wrap this one up, this is a fear, but it gets easier as you create more—trust me.
4) You don’t have time to create content
You probably don’t have time. But there’s a solution:
One, you can make time.
Two, you can outsource the project of content creation. And then you can get back to doing what you do best while at the same “time”, creating content.